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Ricardo Yanofsky_PPJs_wk05

Ricardo Yanofsky, Week 5 Journal

This week I started to work on the level design, mainly in the form of floor layouts. I started to build some of it in 3D but I realized it would be better to hold off until I have a better idea on what the movement of the cart will be like. I did model an Igloo which is most likely going to be used in the game. Instead of doing finalized floor plans, I came up with some concepts for level design that I we can go over as a group and decide what to do. I am still unsure how we are going to move between floors, and that will certainly impact the design as well.

I wanted to add a labyrinth section and did a quick mock up of one, and I realized that the entire level should be somewhat of a labyrinth too, maze-like, but possible to navigate seamlessly without stopping or hitting a dead end. I started a discussion on twine for ideas for stores and we have some interesting options to play with.

Positive: Plenty of ideas to use in the future.

Negative: Not enough things that will be directly in the game.

Total Hours for the week: 6

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